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Support for Parents
Our Programmes and packages

Parenting your anxious child
Online support programme
Watching your child struggle with worry or anxiety can be really difficult, and we know as a parent you can feel powerless to help.
This online support package will provide you with knowledge and tools to better support your child and build your confidence as a parent.
We know about young people and mental health
Not only are we parents of young people who have their own mental health issues, we also support hundreds of young people struggling with anxiety and worry through our Happy Cactus Coaching sessions. We have years of experience working in different settings to support vulnerable adults and young people to overcome barriers and live happier lives.
Over the last year we have worked with young people to develop tools and coping strategies that support them to understand their anxiety and build their confidence.
We want to pass this knowledge and experience on to you
Parents contact us for advice and support all the time, so we have designed a package that brings our experience and learning together so we can share it with you in a way which is accessible, safe and most of all, non judgemental.
Personal to you
We know every situation is different, and we build the content of our online seminars to make sure it is relevant to the parents in the group. There are no more than six parents on the programme and active participation in the online seminars is optional. We won't force you to talk about yourself in front of other people if you're not comfortable and you're welcome to join the programme just to listen. We won't judge and we will be here to support you.
The programme
It starts with a chat . . . .
Michelle, one of Happy Cactus Coaching founders, will give you a ring at a time that is convenient for you. She will find out a bit about you and your child and chat to you about the programme. You will decide together if the programme is a good fit for you.
We move online . . .
In two separate online seminars, we will take you through our programme, which covers four key areas:
Awareness - what is worry? what is anxiety? where does it come from and how does impact on young people?
Discovering your child - how to better understand your child's worry and anxiety and tools to improve communication and emotional literacy.
Discovering yourself - managing your own responses and looking after your own mental health as a parent
Taking action - practical tools and advice to help you support your anxious child and action you can take to build their confidence and reduce the impact of worry and anxiety
The fun stuff . .
We will send you a specially designed workbook that contains creative activities for you and your child to do together, or for them to do alone. The activities have been tried and tested by our coaches with hundreds of Happy Cactus members and will support your child to find new ways of communicating their feelings and explore their worries. It will also provide helpful advice and guidance for you about how you can use the activities to have new conversations with your child and help them cope better with their worries and anxious feelings.
It ends with a chat . .
Michelle will arrange a good time to catch up with you following the second seminar to find out how you have found the programme and provide any additional support or advice you might need for the future.
Programme Dates and Prices
The next programme is running in August 2020
Preliminary dates for the two online seminars -
Sunday evening 23rd August and Sunday evening 30th August (dates are flexible depending on programme participants)
Introductory Price - £97 per person
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